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    “Our best solutions come from big picture thinking where complex factors are weighed, community dialogue takes place and an overall better outcome is achieved.”
    ~ Karlynn Fukuda, Munekiyo Hiraga President
  • Environmental Review

    The environmental review process is a critical step in ensuring that proposed actions consider potential environmental, socio economic, and cultural impacts and identify appropriate mitigation measures. Munekiyo Hiraga has over 25 years of experience preparing Environmental Assessments and Environmental Impact Statementsfor a wide variety of public and private sector projects. Where needed, we will engage special consultants such as archaeologists, cultural specialists, traffic engineers, and biological resources specialists.  Our environmental review services include compliance with the following:

    • Chapter 343, Hawaii Revised Statutes
    • National Environmental Policy Act (NEPA)


    | © 2018, Munekiyo Hiraga